Shooting legendary singer/songwriter Garland Jeffreys

Shooting legendary singer/songwriter Garland Jeffreys

That way, you know from the start what the options are and what each of them will cost. More often than not, what we end up providing in the end is a version of the program between these two alternatives. Best of all, you reach the point where this proposal is in your hands, and you have not yet spent one dime.


First, we meet with you to discuss your needs. This conversation is probably the most important step in the whole process. We find out what you want to say and who needs to hear it. Is the video for your website, for broadcast TV, a live webcast, or some other outlet? Will you be the presenter or will we be using professional actors or spokespeople? Is it a scripted program or a documentary-style presentation? Will we need to bring in specialists like animators, composers, or special-effects professionals? 

You don’t need to know all of these answers going in to the meeting because we’ll develop new ideas and possibilities as we go. Then we’ll go home with our thinking caps on and develop a proposal. What you’ll get back in a few days is a written set of ideas and a rough outline of what your program will look like. Generally this comes with two prices - one for a fully-realized vision, and another scaled-down version that will leave out some of the options that add expense. 

Renaissance founder Kevin McLaughlin after a voiceover session with Emmy-winner Andre Braugher

Renaissance founder Kevin McLaughlin after a voiceover session with Emmy-winner Andre Braugher